Done repeatedly, and grotesquely overused
very mixed feelings while watching this film-it brought back fond memories of vgdc... wait... that's because you were too lazy to make your own sprites for your movie. was there any animation of your's or was it just his symbols and your tweens? as for the sound, even though i loved all the songs and theme songs when they were new, they are now just overused to the point of cliche. there wasn't any real style to this movie, just a dried up rehash of what vgdc did so well. i read in another review that this film was unique because it had a plot. i must've missed that part; oh, wait! was it that crap about sonic needing an enemy? thank god you added that, otherwise i'dve been lost! valiant attempt to raise a film series from the grave, but a failure man. then again, how much can you do with the same old sprites and songs? not your fault i guess, you're a victim of trend.